
EvAM Tools additional documents

Additional documents for EvAM-Tools and its Shiny web app.

EvAM-Tools: methods' details and FAQ (https://rdiaz02.github.io/EvAM-Tools/pdfs/evamtools_methods_details_faq.pdf): Details about CPMs, error models, predicting genotype frequencies, generating random evam models, and a FAQ.

EvAM-Tools: examples (https://rdiaz02.github.io/EvAM-Tools/pdfs/evamtools_examples.pdf): Commented examples, with both real and simulated data, that illustrate the use and utility of EvAM-Tools.

Package evamtools help (https://rdiaz02.github.io/EvAM-Tools/pdfs/evamtools-manual.pdf): The help files for the evamtools R package, collated as a single pdf.

Using OncoSimulR to get accessible genotypes and transition matrices (https://rdiaz02.github.io/EvAM-Tools/pdfs/Using_OncoSimulR_to_get_accessible_genotypes_trans_mats.pdf): How we can use OncoSimulR to get accessible genotypes and transition matrices for CBN (and MCCBN), OT, HESBCN, and OncoBN; this provides additional testing and makes the fitness models explicit.

Additionlal_doc_all.pdf (https://rdiaz02.github.io/EvAM-Tools/pdfs/Additional_doc_all.pdf): A single PDF that concatenates all previous four.


Supported by grant PID2019-111256RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Comunidad de Madrid’s PEJ-2019-AI/BMD-13961 to R. Diaz-Uriarte.

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